Makes real estate investment easy and accessible

Fraxtor is an innovative real estate co-investment platform aimed at providing investors easy access to global real estate investment opportunities otherwise out of reach. Now you can access even with a small amount of capital global real estate opportunities with ease.
Why Fraxtor?
Access markets otherwise inaccessible
Co-invest with a community of Industry Veterans
Fraxtor brings together family offices, private equity fund managers, as well as keen real estate investors who co-invest in professionally managed projects.
Access niche markets
Fraxtor partners private equity funds and amalgamates small quantum investments to bridge access both ways.
Fraxtor offers investors the convenience of a digital platform to invest, manage and track their investments securely.
Blockchain technology
Fraxtor is built on Ethereum for its secure, immutable ledger and adaptability, enabling future integration with digital asset exchanges.

Whether you are an individual or corporate investor or would like to register a property, get in touch with Fraxtor today.